7 Tips to Improve Debriefing Skills

It is no surprise that we become better at those things we practice in our lives.
Shadow another trainer or co-facilitate a session. This allows you to act and observe how the other trainer carries out his debriefs. After the training session, put yourself out there and ask for feedback on your efforts. The MWS Community of Trainers are always open to have other trainers in their workshop either as an observer or a co-trainer. So go on and get connected with other MWS Trainers like yourself.
Share what you know. Join groups, clubs or associations and discuss your experiences with other professionals in the field. The more you share, the more you invite others to share what they know as well. Adding to your bank of knowledge so you may offer a more substantial and rich debrief in your training.
Once a month, get together with other trainers and discuss your top three favorite training activities. Bring your best and share them. Soon you will have dozens of best ideas from each other. MWS conducts these trainer get togethers every quarterly, called the MWS Reload. Where trainers get to experiment with new training activities and learn from others at the same time. Contact your MWS Country Representatives to find out when is the next MWS Reload.
Attend trainings, workshops and conferences. Locate opportunities for expanding your learning by attending and presenting workshops at new venues.
Find a mentor that you can trust. Form a partnership in learning with someone whose opinions you value. Tap on the expertise and experience of the MWS Master Trainers.
Volunteer your talent. In every community you’ll find opportunities for sharing your knowledge of learning and debriefing skills with groups. MWS periodically organizes MWS Showcases, where the public are given a 2 hour preview of a selected MWS Title. Volunteer your talent and take on an MWS Showcase with your MWS Country Rep or MWS Master Trainer
And of course, nothing beats the good old fashioned research. Read everything you can find on facilitation skills, reviewing activities, and the fine art of processing groups.
If you are new to this field, or just want to improve your facilitation skills, here are a few suggestions on how you can reach the next level, to improve your facilitation skills, your reviewing skills, and your overall value as an educator and trainer.