MWS Ambassador: Dato Dr. Sheikh Omar Abdul Rahman
Dato’ Dr. Sheikh Omar Abdul Rahman, aka Dato’ SOAR is a most affable character. His loud booming laughter is his signature and cheeky humor betrays this intellectual sage.

Dato' Dr. Sheikh Omar Abdul Rahman
As the Ambassador of the MWS Brand, Dato’ SOAR is the walking epitome of what MWS stands for. He is dynamic, insightful and entertaining. He delivers practical knowledge, useful tools and a motivation that lasts. He challenges his audience assumptions and tickles their sense of humor. He believes that by encouraging and communicating in an entertaining and positive way, people will begin to wake up and take responsibility for their well-being and realize their dreams.
This former Director of Corporate Planning of University Putra Malaysia has over 20 years of experience as a public speaker, specializing on topics relating to motivation, leadership, quality management systems and creative thinking. Among his notable speaking engagements, was on the same platform as Tun Mahatir, former Prime Minister of Malaysia at the International Conference of Thinking.
With a resume like that, MWS is proud to have Dato’ Soar as our MWS Licensed Trainer.
You too can catch him in action this coming 23rd November 2011, because MWS Malaysia is organizing an MWS Licensed Trainer Showcase, open to any organization who wishes to experience MWS firsthand. Contact for more information or log on to the MWS Malaysia Facebook Group to sign up.