Power Persuasion
Being persuasive as we all know is the means of getting what we want or desire. Persuasion is in every aspect of our lives and we need it to convince our customers, colleagues, friends, family and even strangers. We use persuasion to get through in our everyday lives. We have to be capable of selling our ideas to people and reason our points to gain what we wish for.
Most of us usually think that persuasion is to influence the thoughts of people towards their own ideas, rational, attitudes and actions. Which is quite true. Everyone uses persuasion whether they realize it or not.
What do you think persuasion is? Blandishment? Influence? Affiliation? Manipulation?
Politicians don’t get where they are without the power of persuasion. They are where they are because of they can sway the publics’ opinions by using useful tactics in speeches with reason and emotion. A brilliant spokesperson is also a very persuasive person.
Abraham Lincoln used a method in which he persuaded his fellow Americans to curb their drinking problem. He advocated reason as the solution to alcoholism and other ills in his famous conclusion:
“Happy day, when all appetites controlled, all passions subdued, all matters subjected, mind, all conquering mind, shall live and move the monarch of the world. Glorious consummation! Hail fall of Fury! Reign of Reason, all hail!”
Reverse-Psychology. Rather than berate problem drinkers into temperance, the 33-year-old Lincoln endorsed ‘kind, unassuming persuasion’.

Find yourself not knowing what to say? Here are 4 simple tips:
Empathize: Don’t Panic! Well, you can always relate your ideas with the other party emotionally (Empathy) by using allurement, faith and imagination. Get to know the person and how they work. Let’s say a colleague that you need to persuade to get help for a certain task, simply by making them happy by complimenting him or her and relating some stories, they’d be happy to help you and to tutor you with your troubles.
Be logical: They just don’t get it. Well, using logical reasoning helps. Apply logical sense and discuss the idea with the other party; make them see the basis of your reasoning and not just tell them that is all there is. Use the right words when in discussion! The choice of words you use are important to avoid misunderstandings like when a husband can’t get a point through with his stubborn wife.
Be confident: Persuasion is not only about the words you use; the physical aspects of persuasion is usually elapsed by the persuasion of speech. Body language is one of the most important characteristic to influencing a person. Displaying confidence and being relaxed shows that you are sure that what you want to get across is viable and the truth. Seeing a person nervous and giddy would make you think that there’s something wrong. Hand movements and smiling are surprisingly useful when you want the other party to relax, which creates a calm atmosphere. It contributes to building rapport and creating connections between two or more people. I’m sure most of you can relate to the feeling where when you see someone that looks suspicious to you and distrusting them even though you don’t know them. Other people might feel the same way about you. It’s the same basic concept as when you have the incorrect body posture and an unfriendly disposition that makes it harder to persuade a person.
Learn the language of persuasion. Do you believe in hypnosis? You think it’s all about acting like a chicken? It’s a lot more different that you think because hypnosis is actually the art of persuasion through suggestion but the participant must be somewhat willing to agree. Leaders, teachers and counselors commonly use conversational hypnosis which is hypnosis through speech and touch.
An example of persuasion could be found in Shakespeare’s Richard III where Richard of Gloucester attempts to seduce Lady Anne after killing her husband. That’s right—murdering her own spouse in cold blood. And what’s more, she knows it and she knows that he knows it. Most horrifyingly of all, the body of Anne’s husband is right in the same room with them.
Richard’s approach is incredibly clever. Of course, he flatters and flirts, and of course, he demonstrates at least a modicum of penitence about his deeds. But what wins Lady Anne over in the end is his vulnerability. Throughout the play, Richard is surprisingly open and frank about his physical deformities as he is basically an ugly, handicapped hunchback.
In this particular scene, Richard gets on his knees and even asks Anne to stab him, or if not, he resolves to do it himself. While these are all simply premeditated histrionics, they work. And they wouldn’t work if Richard did not expose himself as such. Sir Ian McKellen does an excellent portrayal of Richard in Richard Loncraines’ movie adaptation–he physically demonstrates how exposure works in the art of persuasion.
So next time you want to win someone over either for romantic purposes or simply for the sake of argument, expose yourself. Leave no sordid, ugly detail hidden. As long as you are calm and confident about your past, your conversation partner will be inspired to do the same thing. Afterward, arguments become easier to reckon with. Sharing of a personal nature will enable you to figure out how it is that their minds work, but only after listening carefully. And then you can go in for the kill.
Source: http://changingminds.org/articles/articles10/what_we_can_learn.htm
There are other more ethically wrong methods that like deception, subliminal advertising, power plays (sociology), brainwashing and mind control however are not tolerated because these techniques are morally wrong and some are considered illegal in most countries.
Power persuasion is a useful and essential tool to the world today. To utilize this ability is to gain success in businesses, speeches and influencing people around you. Your most essential skills to accelerate you to your success.
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