Employee Engagement
Employee engagement means "a heightened emotional connection that an employee feels for his or her organization, that influences him or her to exert greater discretionary effort to his or her work".
Totally Engaged Workforce
For several years now, 'employee engagement' has been a buzz phrase that has captured the attention and became a hot topic of CEO, HR managers, in corporate circles.
According to the report by the Conference Board, employee engagement is a very big deal. There is clear and mounting evidence that high levels of employee engagement keenly correlates to individual, group and corporate performance in areas such as retention, turnover, productivity, customer service and loyalty.
One key findings is that larger companies are more challenged to engage employees than are smaller companies, while employee age drives a clear difference in the importance of certain drivers. For example, employees under age 44 rank "challenging environment/career growth opportunities" much higher than do older employees, who value "recognition and reward for their contributions"

Here are the 8 key drivers outlined by the Report:
Trust and integrity – how well managers communicate and 'walk the talk' [MWS transforms your managers into leaders who will train your workforce, and create an unconscious pressure and want to walk their talk.
Nature of the job –Is it mentally stimulating day-to-day? MWS inculcate a continuous learning culture throughout your organization, thus creating a stimulating and fun environment tor work in.
Line of sight between employee performance and company performance – Does the employee understand how their work contributes to the company's performance? With MWS you are implementing a structured and actionable system to continuously improve the employee performance, and constantly work on their performance creates the link for the employees.
Career Growth opportunities –Are there future opportunities for growth? When adopting the MWS culture, its speaks volume to the employees of their opportunity for personal and career growth.
Pride about the company – How much self-esteem does the employee feel by being associated with their company? To be part of both the leaders and workforce and meet regularly to learn together, instills teamwork and loyalty.
Coworkers/team members – significantly influence one's level of engagement[By having your very own managers train the workforce; your organization will experience the highest level of engagement. Your managers and employees will in turn inspires and influence each other to the next level.
Employee development – Is the company making an effort to develop the employee's skills? With regular MWS Workshops, your workforce will have the opportunity to develop and grow. And many times, our clients tell us that in fact, they too have an opportunity to spot the bright stars within their organization during the training sessions.
Relationship with one's manager – Does the employee value his or her relationship with his or her manager? By utilising your Line Managers to conduct the MWS Workshops, they will have the opportunity to establish an non-threatening learning environment and nurture relationships with the workforce across the organization.
MiniWorkshopSeries is crafted for progressive organizations that truly believes in Employee Engagement; that the power lies in their grassroot: the Workforce. So, if you are one of these organization, take the right proactive steps now and call us for a presentation that will change the way organizations learn.