Your Hands at Work
How important are your hands? Do we take time to care for our hands? Have you actually thought of it? Well, our hands does lots of work for us.. and sometimes we take it for granted. Our hands are just like the people in our organizations. They are the ones that gets things done. Well, I have a little story to share about our hands...
Over the weekend, I was sitting down on my couch giving myself a much needed manicure. I realize that my right hand does most of the work, but my left hand gets most of the attention. My right hand applies the nail polish smoothly on my left hand nails, but my left hand lacking the skills and coordination, does not return the favour. The polish on my right hand is always smeared and messy. One hand does the most of the work, but had to miss out on the attention.

As I was working on my fingernails, my thoughts turned toward something of much more importance, the people at work. Many of whom are highly skilled at tasks that make others look good. This hardworking workforce, however, seldom gets noticed and rewarded. It seems unfair that those who do such good work gets little appreciation and development.
It is of utmost importance for us to recognize that our workforce collectively does the work, and we need to equip them with the necessary skills and competencies. We are so focussed on developing our talent pool, that most organizations neglect the majority of the workforce. At most, they get to attend a one-time off Team Building activity or event each year.
Don’t get me wrong, most of the leaders and managers want very much to educate and increase the competencies of the workforce. But most of the managers and leaders don’t have the skills to train and coach their workforce. What progressive organizations must do right now is to find a solution that helps both the ‘right’ and ‘left’ hand to do what it needs to do for you to achieve success.
If you continue to ignore the power of the grassroots, it can be disastrous to your organizations. Staff that feels left out becomes de-motivated, disgruntled employees that creates challenges and problems at the root of your organization.
Take care of your hands: the ones that gets the job done.
MWS has done extensive research with Fortune 500 companies, to come up with an actionable and structured approach to address these challenges. What you will see is that with the MWS Licensing Options, you will be able to leverage on your talents: managers and leaders to train and mobilize your workforce effortlessly. Be proactive to implement the MWS Licensing Options and take the necessary actions to equip your whole organization to meet and exceed the demands today.