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Investing in learning

Companies are increasingly realizing their own business results are impacted not only by their own employees, but also by the employees and individuals across their value chain. These suppliers, partners, distributors, subcontractors, resellers and customers are referred to as the extended enterprise. Investing in learning that ensures better informed and better trained employees and customers across this extended enterprise is a critical business strategy necessary to compete successfully in today’s highly competitive environment. -Lance Dublin.

I trust you agree with Lance Dublin of Dublin Consulting. The question here is how can we invest in learning not only for our employees but the entire value chain? We need to involve, engage and empower everyone who can make a difference in how our client experience our products and services. The one tested and proven way is to implement and advocate the principles and framework of a Learning Organization.

Here is an extract of an article :Understanding Organizations as Learning Systems by Edwin C. Nevis, Sohail Ghoreishi & Janet M. Gould

With the decline of some well-established firms, the diminishing competitive power of many companies in a burgeoning world market, and the need for organizational renewal and transformation, interest in organizational learning has grown. Senior managers in many organizations are convinced of the importance of improving learning in their organizations. This growth in awareness has raised many unanswered questions:

What is a learning organization? What determines the characteristics of a good learning organization ? How can organizations improve their learning? In the literature in this area, authors have used different definitions or models of organizational learning or have not defined their terms.

Executives have frequently greeted us with comments like these:

1 − “How would I know a learning organization if I stumbled over it?”

2 − “You academics have some great ideas, but what do I do with a mature, large organization on Monday morning?”

3 − “I’m not sure what a good learning organization is, but you should not study us because we are a bad learning organization.”

Our research is dedicated to helping organizations become better learning systems. We define organizational learning as the capacity or processes within an organization to maintain or improve performance based on experience. Learning is a systems-level phenomenon because it stays within the organization, even if individuals change. One of our assumptions is that organizations learn as they produce.

Learning organization happens when knowledge, values, skills and habits are cascaded transparently throughout the organization involving a somewhat common sense approach by involving the line managers and leaders in advocating the learning. These are your building blocks and foundation for your organizational excellence.

Find out how you can get started on how you can build your organization through knowledge sharing, industrial exposure and open system through implementing the MWS Licensing Option. Email us at and visit our website at now.

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