Showcase: Communicate Clearly with James Leow
Month of May marks a special showcase which featured MWS License Trainer [Pro] Mr. James Leow delivering a talk entitled ‘Communicate Clearly’ to a crowd of audience at UEM Academy.

Communication is part of our daily life. We spend almost 75% of our time communicating in some way and this showcase shared with the participants key communication models used in daily interactions, learn to speak easily and how to get messages across.
The class was filled with fun, laughter, learning and experiential moments. Participants enjoyed the practical tips, tools and techniques and believed that these would bolster their confidence in clear communication.
These are what they had to say:
Very impact learning “Remove the Barrier” Well done James! – Ivonne, Persoft Malaysia
Good presentation slides and good presenter from Mr James – Yatie Haron, Malaysia Airlines
I had First Class of 4 hours of positive learning experience – Chin Kang Wei
Join us at the next showcase on June 2010. To register click here or call us at 03-56357638.